Animal Vegetable

Video Installation

A foray into GIFF animations, a study of the continuous loop. Depiciting mineral, vegetable and possibly animal. Inspired by over-unity devises and the creative force of energy and its manifestation into an expressive form.

‘Dance Of The Polygon’ GIFF animation 50 Frames, 1.3 s
‘Waves At Night’ GIFF animation 150 Frames, 6  s
‘Mamo-Phyboid’ GIFF animation 150 Frames
'Wavefield Wireframe’ GIFF animation 150 Frames, 6 s
'Autoerotica’ GIFF animation 150 Frames, 6 s
'Seafaring Stars' GIFF animation 150 Frames, 6 s
'Tendraphyboid' GIFF animation 150 Frames, 6 s
'Sperma-caduceus' GIFF animation 150 Frames, 6 s

Mark & Paul Cummings
Fine Art, Video, Sculpture, Print, Photography, Performance

︎ The Mystery Schoolof Sound
︎ The Cummings Twins
︎ Mystery School of Sound
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︎66 Norlington Rd, Leyton, London, E10 6LA
© The Cummings Twins