Solar Meridian
Wall Hanging2017
This abstracted form bestows a sense of space being either terrain or a sculpted surface, time is also implied with this piece of art. Here we see light projected onto an undulating surface where shadows are cast. This light source references Midday on Summer Solstice.
The addition of Midsummers day and noon makes the sun in the highest position in the sky for the year, this is why it's called Meridian. In a sense, it can be a snapshot of time much like a sundial. This is a special date and time worshipped by many cultures around the world as it describes the peak of summer and the life journey of the sun.
This minimalist work can be appreciated aesthetically and conceptually where the play of light has been expressed in contrast to bold blue shadows, warm tints lit by an artificial sun. The conceptual aspect has been covered by the reference to time as explained above.
This artwork has been conceived exclusively in a virtual realm and has been made to look like it has come from this space. With its facets and wave undulations been created by computer-generated noise algorithms. The object alludes to different scales from water ripples to mountain ranges. Rhythm, repetition and variation are key themes within this work.
Title: Solar Meridian
Meduim: Polyurethane & Polypropylene, Paper, Acrylic paint
Dimensions: H 500 MM / W 500 MM / D 155MM
Date: 11/11/2017
Edition: 2/5
£2591 Contact us to purchase

Mark & Paul Cummings
Fine Art, Video, Sculpture, Print, Photography, Performance
︎ The Mystery Schoolof Sound
︎ The Cummings Twins
︎ Mystery School of Sound
︎ instagram
︎ web
︎66 Norlington Rd, Leyton, London, E10 6LA
© The Cummings Twins
Fine Art, Video, Sculpture, Print, Photography, Performance
︎ The Mystery Schoolof Sound
︎ The Cummings Twins
︎ Mystery School of Sound
︎ web
︎66 Norlington Rd, Leyton, London, E10 6LA
© The Cummings Twins